
In an era where online stores are beginning to take the reins, you can’t deny the importance signage has within retail. Over the years, it has been of consistent value, no matter the type of store. There are three ways signage is commonly used and appreciated within retail: externally, internally, and as a wayfinding measure. What are the purposes of these signs and how do they benefit both the store itself and members of the public?

External signage

First impressions are always important, especially within retail. To set yourself apart from other stores, you will first need to make your mark with your shop front. Whether this be upon a high street or within a retail park, the possibilities of external signage have the ability to ensure that you are seen. From 3D signage to LED illuminated signs, the last thing your store will do is blend into the background!

Internal signage

Once your customers are within your store, you will need to retain them to make the effectiveness of your external signage count! Whilst you will have helpful staff dotted around, internal signage, when designed and displayed correctly, really can do the talking. From displaying your special offers on vinyl stickers to displaying your slogan in a unique metal sign. A creatively designed environment will prove effective in retaining customers, keeping their attention spans high and creating a pleasant browsing experience.

Wayfinding signage

Walking into a new store can be daunting to some customers. As well as this, the layout of your store may change frequently, allowing you to keep things fresh and appealing. Whilst this could be fine for you as someone who spends a large amount of time within the premises, it could cause confusion to your customers. Wayfinding signage, from vinyl floor stickers to an acrylic floor plan, removes stress and hassle from the shopping experience with simple guidance.

The benefits of retail signage

With this in mind, we thought we would break down the individual benefits that retail signage can provide. These include:

  • External signage can drive people into your store, whilst internal signage can increase their chances of purchasing once inside.
  • Cleverly designed graphics and signs could work their way onto your customers social media platforms, increasing your online promotion and digital presence.
  • Coordinated signage can support you by reinforcing your branding throughout your store.
  • Signage can be tailored to your requirements, as well as budget. It can be made cost-effective where required, whilst still providing a range of benefits to the success of your store.
  • Many shoppers browse on impulse, so creative and eye-catching signage can remind them that you are still there each time they pass.
  • Innovative signage, both internally and externally, can separate you from the competition – a factor that is highly important when based in a shopping centre, high street, or retail park!

At Sign Makers UK, we specialise in designing, producing, and installing bespoke retail signage for brands of all types. For more information on how we could help increase the success of your store, get in touch! Give us a call on 01892 362 395 or send us an email at .